


Seminar Posters


Published Papers

2015 以前

Before 2015
  1. Tsung-Ming Yang, Shu-Kai Fan, Chihhao Fan*, Nien-Sheng Hsu, 2014. Establishment of turbidity forecasting model and early-warning system for source water turbidity management using back-propagation artificial neural network algorithm and probability analysis, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186(8), 4925-4934, August, 2014 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 3.307, 157/279 in environmental sciences).
  2. Chihhao Fan, Minzhe Tsai, Lo Tsui*, 2014. Structural characterization of bagasse-derived composts with different maturities and their solubility enhancing effect on PCE and toluene, Chemosphere, 105, 178-183, June, 2014, (SCIE, 2021 IF = 8.943, 33/279 in environmental sciences).
  3. Shu-Kai S. Fan*, Chihhao Fan, Chia-Fen Huang, 2014. A trust region-based approach to optimize triple response systems, Engineering Optimization, 45(5), 606-627, May, 2014, (SCIE, 2021 IF = 2.500, 43/92 in operation research and management science).
  4. Chihhao Fan*, Ching-Yi Horng, Shih-Jian Li, 2013. Structural characterization of natural organic matter and its impact on methomyl removal efficiency in Fenton process, Chemosphere, 93, 178-183, Sept., 2013 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 8.943, 33/279 in environmental sciences).
  5. Kevin Fong-Rey Liu*, Chih-Yuan Ko, Chihhao Fan, Cheng-Wu Chen, 2013. Incorporating the LCIA concept into fuzzy risk assessment as a tool for environmental impact assessment, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27, 849-866, May, 2013 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 3.821, 14/125 in statistics and probability).
  6. Hsi-Jien Chen, Yi-Zi Lin, Jen-Mao Fanjiang, Chihhao Fan*, 2013. Microbial community investigation in AOAO process for the optoelectronic wastewater treatment using PCR-DGGE biotechnology, Biodegradation, 24, 227-243, April, 2013 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 3.731, 71/158 in biotechnology and applied microbiology).
  7. Shu-Kai S. Fan, Chihhao Fan*, Jhong-Hong Yang, Kevin Fong-Rey Liu, 2013. Disassembly and recycling cost analysis of waste notebook and the efficiency improvement by re-design process, Journal of Cleaner Production, 39, 209-219, Jan, 2013 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 11.072, 24/279 in environmental sciences).
  8. Chihhao Fan*, Wei-Shen Wang, Kevin Fong-Rey Liu, Tsung-Ming Yang, 2012. Sensitivity analysis and water-quality modeling of a tidal river using a modified Streeter-Phelps equation with HEC-RAS-calculated hydraulic characteristics, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 17(6), 639-651, Dec. 2012 (SCIE, 2020 IF = 2.016, 226/279 in environmental sciences).
  9. Kevin Fong-Rey Liu*, Chih-Yuan Ko, Chihhao Fan, Cheng-Wu Chen, 2012. Combining risk assessment, life cycle assessment and multi-criteria decision analysis to estimate environmental aspects in environmental management system, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 17(7), 845-862, Aug. 2012 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 5.257, 86/279 in environmental sciences).
  10. Chihhao Fan*, Wen-Ching Wang, Shao-Tsai Cheng, 2012. Economical analysis and performance evaluation for municipal wastewater treatment by an aerobic biofilm reactor using recycle materials as the contact media, Sustainable Environment Research 22(4), 261-269, July, 2012.
  11. Chia-Ji Teng, Shao-Yuan Leu*, Chun-Han Ko*, Chihhao Fan, Yiong-Shing Sheu, Hui-Yu Hu, 2012. Economic and environmental analysis of using constructed riparian wetlands to support urbanized municipal wastewater treatment, Ecological Engineering, 44, 249-258, July 2012 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 4.379, 111/279 in environmental sciences).
  12. Chihhao Fan*, Hsin-Chih Wang, 2012. Degradation of Methyl Paraben by the Aerated Pebble-bed Biofilm System, APCBEES Procedia, 1, 299-303, Jan. 2012.
  13. Lo Tsui*, Chihhao Fan, Yuantzu Chung, Sheufang Lin, 2011. Reductive dechlorination of tetrachloroethene by two compost samples with different maturity, Bioresource Technology, 102(22), 10498-10504, Nov. 2011 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 11.889, 1/14 in agricultural engineering).
  14. 楊仲弘,范致豪*,綠色設計案例—應用ProdTect 1.3生態化設計工具對NB設計之改善,電子檢測與品管季刊,87,42~45,民國一00年七月。
  15. 范致豪*,鄧家基,水資源經營多樣化的大河之都—新北市,水資源管理會刊,13卷第一期,34~40,民國一00年七月。
  16. Chihhao Fan, Hui-Yu Hu, Yiong-Shin Hsue, Yeong-Huei Chen, Hsi-Jien Chen*, 2011. Performance evaluation and phylogenic analysis of a full-scale subsurface cobble-bed biofilm system, Ecological Engineering, 37(6), 807-815, June 2011 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 4.379, 111/279 in environmental sciences).
  17. Chihhao Fan*, Lo Tsui, Ming-Chu Liao, 2011. Parathion degradation and its intermediate formation by Fenton process in neutral environment, Chemosphere, 82(2), 229-236, Jan. 2011 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 8.943, 33/279 in environmental sciences).
  18. Sambandam Anandan, M. H.Chen, P.K. Chen, Chihhao Fan, Jerry J. Wu*, 2010. Removal of Orange II dye in water by visible light assisted photocatalytic ozonation using Bi2O3 and Au/Bi2O3 nanorods, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 49, 9729-9737, Oct. 2010 (SCIE, 2021 IF =4.326, 52/142 in chemical engineering).
  19. Chihhao Fan, Yen-chuan Chen, Hwong-wen Ma, Gen-shuh Wang*, 2010. Comparative Study of Multimedia Models Applied to the Risk Assessment of Soil and Groundwater Contamination Sites in Taiwan, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 182(1-3), 778-786, Oct. 2010 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 14.224, 9/279 in environmental sciences).
  20. Chun-Han Ko, Chihhao Fan*, 2010. Enhanced Chemical Oxygen Demand Removal and Flux Reduction in Pulp and Paper Wastewater Treatment Using Laccase-Polymerized Membrane Filtration, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 181(1-3), 763-770, Sept. 2010 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 14.224, 9/279 in environmental sciences).
  21. Ching-Wu Cheng*, Sou-Sen Leu , Chen-Chung Lin, Chihhao Fan, 2010. Characteristic Analysis of Occupational Accidents at Small Construction Enterprises, Safety Science, 48(6), 698-707, July, 2010 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 6.392, 15/50 in industrial engineering).
  22. Xin Yang*, Chihhao Fan, Chii Shang, Quan Zhao, 2010. Nitrogenous disinfection byproducts formation and nitrogen origin exploration during chloramination of nitrogenous organic compounds, Water Research, 44(9), 2691-2702, May, 2010 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 13.400, 1/100 in water resources).
  23. Chihhao Fan*, Ming-Chu Liao, 2009. The mechanistic and oxidative study of methomyl and parathion degradation by Fenton process, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 59, 87-91, Nov. 2009 (EI).
  24. Chihhao Fan*, Chun-Han Ko, Wei-Shen Wang, 2009. An Innovative Modeling Approach Using Qual2k and HEC-RAS Integration to Assess the Impact of Tidal Effect on River Water Quality Simulation, Journal of Environmental Management 90(5), 1824-1832, April, 2009 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 8.910, 34/279 in environmental sciences).
  25. Chihhao Fan, Fang-Chih Chang, Chun-Han Ko*, Yiong-Shing Sheu, Chia-Ji Teng, Tzi-Chin Chang, 2009. Urban pollutant removal by a constructed riparian wetland before typhoon damage and after reconstruction, Ecological Engineering, 35(3), 424-435, March, 2009 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 4.379, 111/279 in environmental sciences).
  26. Chihhao Fan, Gen-Shuh Wang, Yen-Chuan Chen, Chun-Han Ko*, 2009. Risk assessment of exposure to volatile organic compounds in groundwater in Taiwan, Science of the Total Environment 407(7), 2165-2174, March, 2009 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 10753, 26/279 in environmental sciences).
  27. Chihhao Fan, Fang-Chih Chang, Chun-Han Ko*, Chia-Ji Teng, Tzi-Chin Chang, 2009. Treatment of septic tank effluent by a full scale capillary seepage soil biofiltration system, Journal of Environmental Health 71(7) 56-60, March, 2009 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 0.855, 270/279 in environmental science).
  28. Chihhao Fan*, Wei-Teng Chang, Ming-Chu Liao, 2008. Adsorption of hydrophobic organic compounds on natural porous media with low organic fraction, IAHS Publ. 324, 304-311, Dec., 2008 (EI).
  29. Chihhao Fan*, Wei-Shen Wang, 2008. Influences of Biological Oxygen Demand Degradation Patterns on Water Quality Modeling for Rivers Running through Urban Areas, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,1140, 78-85, Oct., 2008 (SCIE, 2020 IF = 6.499, 14/73 in multidisciplinary science).
  30. Xin Yang*, Chii Shang, Wontae Lee, Paul Westerhoff, Chihhao Fan, 2008. Correlations between Organic Matter and DBP Formation During Chloramination, Water Research, 42 2329-2339, April, 2008 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 13.400, 1/100 in water resources).
  31. Chun-Han Ko, Chihhao Fan, Po-Neng Chiang, Ming-Kuang Wang*, 2007. p-Nitrophenol, Phenol and Aniline Sorption by Organo-Clays, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 149 275–282, Nov., 2007 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 14.224, 9/279 in environmental sciences).
  32. S.K. Fan*, C. Fan, P. Kung, C.Y. Wang, 2007. Development of Run-To-Run (R2R) controller for the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system using fuzzy control theories, International Journal of Production Research, 45(14) 3215-3243, July, 2007 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 9.018, 9/51 in manufacturing engineering).
  33. C. Fan, C.H. Chan, L. Xie, C. Shang*, 2006. Factors affecting bromate removal capacity of zero valent iron packed columns, Water Science and Technology-Water Supply, 6(6) 119-130, Dec., 2006 (SCIE, 2020 IF = 1.033, 51/54 in environmental engineering).
  34. 范致豪*、王惟申,2006,礫間接觸氧化法對有機污染物去除之回顧與探討,中華民國環境保護學會會刊,29卷第二期,91~102,民國九十五年十二月。
  35. Chad T. Jafvert*, Chihhao Fan, 1999. Response to “Comments on Margules Equations Applied to PAH Solubilities in Alcohol-Water Mixtures”, Environmental Science and Technology 33 1955, April, 1999 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 11.357, 7/54 in environmental engineering).
  36. Chihhao Fan, Chad T. Jafvert*, 1997. The Two-Suffix Margules Equations Applied to PAH Solubilities in Alcohol-Water Mixtures, Environmental Science and Technology 31 3516-3522, Dec., 1997 (SCIE, 2021 IF = 11.357, 7/54 in environmental engineering).